Artistiek leider Eva Stegeman ontvangt Haagse Stadspenning
Tijdens het openingsconcert van woensdag 4 april 2018 ontving artistiek leider Eva Stegeman de Haagse Stadspenning uit handen van wethouder Joris Wijsmuller voor haar grote verdiensten voor het jaarlijkse festival. De Stadspenning bestaat sinds 1977. Deze bronzen legpenning is bedoeld voor vrijwilligers die 25 jaar of langer (bestuurlijk) actief zijn in Den Haag. Nieuwsberichten: Omroep West AD Den Haag FM
Eva writes (April 4th 2018):
“To my huge surprise, tonight before the start of tonight’s 15th-year-jubilee concert of Classical Encounters, I was honoured with the ‘stadspenning’ of the city of Den Haag. I was so taken by surprise – and actually so focused on the Debussy that we were about to play – that I was literally lost for words…
This ‘penning’ is a sign of recognition for all the hundreds of people that over last 15 years have helped me building this festival into what it has become.
Co-founder Hans Schouten, all board members, the Vriendenkring, our ambassadors, the city of The Hague, partners and sponsors, all the team members of our organization over the years, the many volunteers, all musicians and artists that have helped me shape the festival over the years, and last but not least my family without whose continuous love and support I would not have been able to achieve this. I am so happy the festival has truly become the meeting place for the inspiring musical and artistic ‘exchange’ that I always envisioned.
Thank you everybody for co-creating something meaningful in the form of this festival!”
Het festival en alle medewerkers feliciteren Eva van harte met deze prachtige onderscheiding!